产品报价: 电讯
产品品牌: rrt
所属分类: 其他通信线缆
产品规格: 复合缆
联系人: 杨*玉
移动电话: 183****7594
固定电话: 02********5917
公司名称: 百孚光缆(上海)有限公司
公司地址: 上海嘉定区华亭华业路705号
主营业务: adss电力光缆 mgtsv矿用光...

光电复合缆 产品描述 description 光缆由以下部分组成: 松套管:由高模量pbt材料制成,内含光纤及防水化合物。 缆芯:松套管(和填充绳)加2根电线围绕中心加强芯绞合成紧凑圆形的缆芯,缆芯内缝隙充以阻水填充物。加强芯是一根非金属(frp)材料。 护套:外涂塑铝带(apl)纵包在缆芯外,后挤制聚护套成缆。 loose tube: made of a high modulus plastic. the tubes are filled with fibe and a water-resistant filling compound. cable core: tubes (and fille)and two wires are stranded around the strength member into a compact and circular cable core which is filled with the filling compound to protect it from water ingress. the strength member is a fiber reinforced plastic (frp). sheath: an aluminum polyethylene laminate (apl) is applied around the cable core. then, the cable is completed with a pe sheath. 产品特点 characteristics ■精密的余长控制,光缆具有优良的机械性能和温度特性 good mechanical and temperature performance ■松套管材料本身具有良好的耐水解性能和较高的强度 high strength loose tube that is hydrolysis resistant ■松套管内及缆芯内充以特种油膏确保光缆的阻水性能 special tube and core filling compound eure the cable watertight ■特别设计的紧密的光缆结构,有效防止套管回缩 specially designed compact structure is good at preventing loose tubes from shrinking ■pe护套具有很好的抗紫外线辐射性能 pe sheath protects cable from ultraviolet radiation 适用于:管道、架空 application: duct/aerial 储存、使用温度:﹣40℃ to ﹢70℃ storage/operating temperature: ﹣40℃ to ﹢70℃ 光电复合缆的相关变型结构: 椭圆型光电复合缆(2-36b) 8字型光电复合缆(2-36b) 联系电话;18321097594 联系人;杨海玉